So, today I surfed and surfed for stuff to talk about. Of course, ComicCon is going on 3000 miles away, so there's that. The good folks at i09 have posted this trailer for the new Denzel Washington post-apocalyptic tale, The Book of Eli:
The folks at i09 said it looks like "I Am Legend done right." To me it looks more like The Road Warrior meets The Road via Virtuosity. I'll reserve my full opinion until I actually see the movie, though it certainly has a promising cast.
Then, JA over at MyNewPlaidPants had to go and post these clips from the late, great "Pushing Daisies," featuring the ever-so-talented and endearingly adorable Kristen Chenowith singing torch songs about unrequited love - the very topic which has had me blue of late. Needless to say, Ms. C's versions of both these songs are hilarious, touching and devastating all at once:
Hopelessly Devoted
Eternal Flame
And finally, on an optimistically upbeat note, here is the latest music video from Playing for Change, an organization in whose cause I firmly believe:
Mystery Train
That's a whole lotta stuff... Now please excuse me while I go cry myself to sleep...
More, anon.
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