Thursday, August 15, 2013

Tipping the Scales

No One Knew? Seriously?
WWE wrestler Darren Young (quite a fine specimen of Homo-Sapien, as you can see in the figuratively flaming photo to your immediate right) today became one of the growing number of celebrities to come out as gay very casually. Last week, former child star Raven Symone came out casually on Twitter: "I can finally get married! Yay government! So proud of you!" 

My sister used to watch wrestling because she thought it was funny. She was watching ironically long before any Brooklyn Hipster d-bag was self-aware). I'm not sure if she still does. 

Anyway, neither myself nor WWE "Superstar/Hot-Slab-O-Beefcake" John Cena (whom you'll  see in the video below) think of Professional Wrestling as a sport. It's entertainment and the starting grounds for many action and comedy movie stars. Dwight "The Rock" Johnson has proven the most bankable of those who came out of the ring and onto the soundstage. Are professional wrestlers athletes? For the most part, I'd say yes. Ever see a stuntperson's body? Or a male dancer's body?

Oh, who the hell am I kidding? Most of my readers are gay men and straight women. Of course you have! And you get what I'm talking about. If you are one of my straight readers who has no actual gay friends, ask me to explain it to you later.

Young's public announcement for a TMZ reporter (who randomly got the story of his career) continues to add the kind of visibility, volume and tone we need to communicate and educate folks who are still on the fence about LGBT rights. Besides, long-time readers know just how Uncle P feels about wrestling (link may be NSFW).

Here's the thing: As I have repeatedly said: Visibility is our strength; Invisibility our weakness. I like the new casual way of coming out. Gone are the days when Ellen Degeneres; Neil Patrick Harris and Lance Bass got magazine covers for coming out. Coming out no longer has the stigma it once did. More and more str8 folks are finding out we're really not the dirty perverts the superstitious would have you believe. Still, in thousands of homes across America, there are young wrestling fans who are struggling with their sexuality. Darren Young gave those kids a voice today. He gave them hope and strength. More importantly, Young broke down yet another  barrier towards understanding and acceptance. And it helps that this was the response to the news from Cena (via):

Thanks for being open and happy, Darren.. And know that you most certainly saved lives today.

Now, about John Cena's brother... anyone know how I can get his number?

More, anon.

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