Thursday, June 21, 2012

Another Opening; Another Show

Tonight is the final dress rehearsal for Jeffrey and the last chance I'll get to talk about it here until after it's all but a memory.

Last night's tech run was all kinds of weird. There were new props, new costumes, and new set pieces and all eight of us were just a little thrown. I actually got lost at one point early on in Act I (in a spot I've never had a problem with before) and forgot an often-mentioned but never-seen character's name in Act II.

And the extreme heat and humidity that descended on the east coast yesterday surely didn't help. Thank goodness the theatre is well air-conditioned. I had friends opening in an outdoor production of My Fair Lady last night and I can't imagine what those costumes did to them in that kind of heat.  I remember playing Sir Toby in a modern dress, outdoor production of Twelfth Night in weather like this and we were absolutely drenched by curtain. Imagine those heavy Victorian gowns and tweed jackets... Ugh! It's making me sweat just thinking about it.

Anyway, as I've said before (and will undoubtedly say again - just not about this particular production), if you are in the central NJ/Southeastern PA area and looking for something to do this weekend, I can't think of anything better on which to spend your money. Your $25 ticket gets you the show; the catered reception; some wine and access to our silent auction, all benefiting four amazing charities. You can buy tickets at the box-office (directions & map here) one hour before curtain or online here. For more information about the James Tolin Memorial Fund and our beneficiaries (or to make a donation via PayPal), please visit our website:  

Okay, okay. Enough shameless self-promotion (for now, anyway). And enough Kiss Me, Kate! I never need to do that show again, either. I'll be back next week with more of my usual nonsense.

More, anon.

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