Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Another Hell Week

Despite what you may have heard, that's NOT Uncle P
So, maybe not having Internet access at home isn't such a bad thing this week. Not being able to get online at home has also let me work some of my own long-neglected writing. I actually completed an entire new draft of Army of the Dead and completely re-assess another I've been trying to finish for some time. Of course, it's 'Hell Week' for Jeffrey and I wouldn't be doing much blogging, anyway.

For those unfamiliar with the term, 'Hell Week' is the last week of rehearsals and production prep before a show opens. The actors finally move into the performance space; the set and lighting goes up; the costumes get their final fittings... it can seem a bit overwhelming, at times. But it always seems to come together somehow. And honestly, after 10 years of putting these benefits together, I should that we know what we're doing.

People at the Day Job keep asking, "So, are you all ready for Friday night?" And I keep answering, "No. We'll be ready on Friday." I'm glad I took Friday off so I won't have to hear them ask "So, are you ready for tonight?" I'm going to sleep in, meet my buddy Sean for lunch in New Hope and then get my hair trimmed in what I hope will be a relaxing day off before the show.

Don't expect to hear too much more from me this week (though I may pop in if I see something particularly weird, funny or very gay and just have to talk about). Hopefully, I'll have my home Internet issues resolved by the time the show is over so I can post lots of pictures. If you are in the Central NJ area this weekend and are looking for something to do while helping out some terrific charities, please consider coming to see Jeffrey. More information about the JTMF and what we do is available at our website: www.jtmf.org. If you can't come, but would like to make a donation, you do so via PayPal, right on our site.

More (hopefully), anon.

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