Friday, April 29, 2011

The Gayest Thing You'll See This Week (NSFW Version)

This isn't just the Gayest Thing This Week, but probably the kinkiest thing I have ever (or will ever) post.

There are all sorts of folks who fancy fantasy and fetishwear (say that three times, fast). Slick It Up is a company that specializes in clothing, underwear and assorted 'gear' for men who are into such things. Not that I have ever found such items or practices to be particularly enjoyable - the whole thing seems a bit claustrophobic for my taste. And not that I would judge or belittle anyone who is into that scene. Whatever floats your boat, as long as all parties are mutually agreeable and no one gets hurt.

I suppose my biggest misconception about this particular group of people is that they all take it so deadly serious. Have you ever seen a 'Miss Heather' episode of "C.S.I.?" Never has the profundity of B & D been so emphasized as when Grissom and Heather get into a discussion about the diverse nature of human sexuality.

But when I stumbled across the below commercial for Slick It Up, I couldn't help but notice how funny it was. Even the tattoo-skulled French gay porn star Francios Sagat (L.A. Zombie; Saw VI) has his tongue firmly planted in (facial) cheek for this one (probably NSFW):

I don't know about you, but I find it rather refreshing to see fetishists who have a sense of humor. Honestly, if anything about the Human Condition is funny, it's sex. And there's probably nothing funnier than weird sex in outrageous costumes

As for Uncle P, there is almost nothing funnier than people in mascot costumes falling down. The stupid, unchanging smile on the face of the mascot head totally belies the look of confusion, fear and disorientation on the face of the person beneath it. I made mention of this on a comment at my dear friend Stephen's blog Post Apocalyptic Bohemian just yesterday, when he blogged about the birthday of Harper Lee. As I shared with him and his reader's, it all started with the scene in "To Kill a Mockingbird" in which Scout runs home in a ham costume, the thought of which I found endlessly hilarious even though it was hardly meant to be funny.

And tell the truth now - can you look at a guy in a black rubber poodle costume and not laugh? I thought not.

More, anon.


  1. Brilliant posting! From Francios Sagat to Harper Lee, that's what I'm talking about!

    Now if you'll excuse me, I am off to the yearly Furries convention. ;)

  2. Hmmm. I don't understand the fantasy of slick it up. lol. I keep an open mind tho...much like you. I would prefer to meet a more "meat and potatoes" kinda guy that just enjoyed watching the same movies as I (cuttlefish and asparagus is out of the question) and was far less complicated and maybe wanted to go to a ball game or two (oh and who liked to read books and wasn't stuck on himself). Anyway...maybe such an animal exists...I dunno. Always great coming to your blog.

  3. Pax - just a natural progression in the scary dark labyrinth that is encased in my skull...

    Michael - I agree, but while I would also nix the cuttlefish, I adore asparagus (one of my favorite veggies)and I'd much rather skip the ballgame in favor of a the newest hot musical.
