Sunday, April 13, 2014

Both the Gayest & Most Exciting New Music You'll See this Week

No blogger is 100% origial in their content (though I can't say I don't like when I post about something before the big bloggers do). Both items tonight come via Towleroad, but I thought they were both worth re-sharing and commenting. 

Uncle P is always happy to share new music, especially when it's good and has something to say. Which I is why I love singer/DJ Ray Isaac's beautiful and powerful anti-bullying song WHO I AM

As you must know by now, this is a topic near and dear to Uncle P's heart (even though said heart sits in a jar on a kitchen shelf next to another containing by baby fangs). But seriously, the world continues to lose so many kids with so much potential, all because of ignorance, fear and hate. 

On the other side of the music spectrum is the stuff that gives you goosebumps and brings you tears simply because of how beautiful it is. I remember seeing Canadian songstress Loreena McKennitt at Town Hall in NYC and being brought to tears by how beautiful her voice and the music was. I suppose this is what comes of growing up with a Classical Music father and a Rock 'N' Roll mother. Is it any wonder I was drawn to Musical Theatre? What you are about to see both gave me goose bumps and brought me to tears. The adorable 'Boy Band' Collabro (I hate the name, BTW) is not at all what you might expect. Nor did the judges on "Britain's Got Talent." When I first saw this clip last night, it only had 20 views. I Facebooked and Tweeted it, but it still only has just under 2,000 views. These very talented and adorable boys deserve to go viral. As Simon Cowell says at the end of the clip, "There's a hit record!"

I've a feeling this is hardly the last we've heard of Collabro (UGH! That NAME!)

More anon.

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