Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Flashmob Nonsense & A Hint of Romance

Nonsense on the MTA
Despite (or perhaps because of) the recent deaths of two people who unknowingly shared in the forming of the person I am today, I thought tonight we should talk about something fun.

Who doesn't like to have fun? A smile, laugh or giggle; administered as often as possible; to everyone; every day, would certainly go a long way to making life just that much better. 

"Shut up you liberal, tree-hugging, gay elitist!" 

What? Who said that? You have no power here. Begone, before someone drops a house on you! 

This particularly delightful bit of nonsense has been popping up all over the place today and I am hardly ashamed to share it. As you know, Uncle P adores a good flashmob and have for several years now tried to find a reason to stage one of my own creation... (of course, it just may be the way to... no, not gonna share. Yet. I love when inspiration strikes). 

People who don't frequent New York City think of it as a cold, heartless place where dreams are made and dashed, traffic is ridiculous and its residents immune to their surroundings. Well, here's something to change the minds of people who hate the city I love so much:

I need to walk along 7th Avenue, see a show and end the night in the Village, stat! Good thing is, I may have someone special with whom to do that, soon... Intrigued? Me too. I'll let you know what does or doesn't happen... Well, maybe not everything that happens.

More, anon.

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