Saturday, December 8, 2012

Living Historically.

Larry Duncan and Randy Shepherd
Yes, this picture has gone viral and it will no doubt take it's place among the most iconic images of modern history. As Larry and Randy raise their hands in the first oath of their impending marriage, I say: "Congratulations, guys! Oh - and thank you for furthering the smashing of stereotypes! Seriously though - where are you registered?"

One of my favorite, sappy gay romcom's is 2000's Big Eden, starring Ayre Gross; Tim Dekay (the third biggest star with whom I've had a personal conversation); the always wonderful Louise Fletcher and Eric Schweig (best known for Ron Howard's dark Western The Missing). Set in the most progressive small town in the world (when the local matchmaker realizes her mistake, she immediately arranges a boys-only party to introduce the prodigal protagonist to potential partners*), Big Eden works so well because of the actors' commitment the story. Everyone in Big Eden knows with whom Henry (Gross) belongs, even if Henry doesn't. A sort of sideways Cinderfella story filled with quirky characters; absurdest situations and the creakiest of creaky old rom-com endings, it makes this sentimental old fool cry every time I see it.

*Say that three times, fast.

Damn! I've been living in the wrong part of the country this whole time! My Post-Bohemian friend Stephen has lived (and has loved living in) the Pacific Northwest for quite some time. He and 'The Husband' have the kind eclectic and comfortable home towards which I aspire. I can't say I'm surprised by the legalization of personal recreational marijuana and marriage equality in Washington. I'm glad to be alive to see it, though.

I used to be surprised to think about all the things my grandmother saw over the course of her life and how different things must have been for her after 80+ years. Now, of course, I think about all the things I've seen over the course of my life and how different things are for me. I was alive but too young to appreciate the assassinations of JFK, MLK and RFK, but I saw Vietnam; Woodstock; the Moon Landing; the Manson Family murders; Stonewall; the opening of China; the resignation of Nixon; the Iran Hostage Crisis; the assassination attempts on both Ford and Reagan; the Challenger explosion; the fall of the Berlin Wall; the introduction of the VCR, compact disc, home computer (I'm on my 7th? since the 90's) and DVR; both the building of the World Trade Center and it's destruction at the hands of fanatical madmen; the rise and fall of dictators; fads, crazes and wacky fashion; the creation of the Internet, Email, Facebook and Twitter; the cell phone, Blackberry & Smart phone; the South Asian Tsunami; laptops, Katrina; tablets & touch screens; rebellions in the Middle East & Northern Africa; Sandy and the two-term election of our first African-American POTUS -- who just so also happens to be the first sitting POTUS to openly support Marriage Equality. 

I know I'm missing some important events over the last (REDACTED) years. I'm just happy that I have a way to record my personal experience during my visit through history. Will any of it matter, 20 or 30,000 years from now? I doubt it. But I am enjoying myself while here. I feel bad for the folks who came before and both jealous of and sad for those who will come after. If we get our shit together, the future of humanity is limitless. I truly hope we get our shit together. I'd like for all of us to around to witness a whole lot more history.

Of course, life has a way of humbling. I pride myself on being an alum of the #1 High School Theatre program in the U.S. The soon to retire Louis Volpe is one of the most influential teachers I've ever had. He was invited to create the High School versions of Les Miserables and was the first adult to tell a 17 year-old Uncle P that being gay wasn't the end of the world. The humbling is embedded below, as the cast of a high school production of Les Miz equates itself with this year's most annoyingly intrusive pop song:

More, anon.

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