Sunday, August 12, 2012

Why I Watch the Olympics

Danell Leyva

Martin Reader
Iain Percy

James Magnussen

Alexandre Despartie

Clemente Russo
Jake Dalton
Arthur Zanetti

To quote the fabulous George Takei - "Oh, my..."

Sometimes it is good to be shallow... But don't get me started on the absolute messes that were this year's opening and closing ceremonies. The games themselves may have been amazing, but the opening and closing were two hot messes that just didn't work at all. I'm all for stage directors making movies, but dead-set against movie directors doing live theatre. They just don't get it, as very well evidenced at this year's games. Pity. BTW - If you know the names of the hot Olympians I have not identified, please let me know in the comments, so I can rectify this post.

More anon,

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