Thursday, August 30, 2012

I Finally Have a Favorite

William Close
Finally, after most of the season, I have a favorite AGT contestant. Instrument inventor William Close is who I want to win this season. Not nearly as outrageous as past favorite Prince Poppycock, but at least as talented as Barbara Padilla, Close's amazing and original instruments are nothing short of astounding. And while I still don't know how he is able to tune that monstrous instrument (get your minds out of the gutter, right now!) in such a short time, hearing and seeing him play it is simply a joy.

At his first audition, Close turned the entire theatre into a musical instrument with his "Earth Harp," a gigantic stringed instrument that must be astonishing to see and hear in person. His early audition in L.A. was quite unlike anything I had ever seen before and while he was a standout, I wasn't sure I'd seen this year's best act.

The judges put him right through to New York without a second audition in Vegas, which spoke volumes to his talent and his Quarterfinals performance proved they were right to do so. Howie, Sharon and Howard have all said that Close is their personal favorite to win and I am sure they are right. Of course, Close is no stranger to performing. Here he is at Burning Man 2011:

And here again at the Museum of Music and Instruments (MOMAI) in Venice, California, for New Year's, 2012:

If any one of this year's AGT contestant's deserves a large-format show in Vegas, it's William Close. An innovative, original and daring artist (who else would turn his own girlfriend into a living violin?),  Close certainly deserves to be in the Top 6. I know I would happily spend money to see him and his collaborators in performance. Close has now moved on to the finals, and I think he has the best chance to win.

Today, yet a third co-worker who has seen me perform, suggested that I audition for AGT. And while I am flattered and do consider myself a competent singer, I know that I wouldn't make it past the first round. It's still nice to dream, though.

More, anon.


  1. Great article! I agree that William Close’s who I’m picking to win the million dollar prize on Americas Got Talent. Since his first time performing I don’t think anyone else will come close to winning against him. I’m going to wait and watch what happens but I honestly don’t think anyone will beat him. I always look forward to the next episode and now I can do it commercial free. I’m glad to be using the Hopper to get my primetime shows recorded automatically. I heard incredible news from my coworkers at Dish when they explained how to use this sweet feature. It’s called the Auto Hop and I can playback any of my primetime recordings a day after they’ve recorded commercial free. It’s like when you use the fast forward button on the remote without hitting any buttons. The commercials will always be there if you want to watch them, the Auto hop just does the fast forwarding for you. Now I can save the wear and tear on my remote by not having to fast forward every ten minutes.

  2. I love that I got fooled by someone trying to sell a POC product. Shame on me.
