Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Worst Gay Person of the Week

Scott Thorson

Alleged lover of Liberace, Scott Thorson has found a way to get his name in the news again by claiming to have had an affair with yet another deceased celebrity. Hmmm - who  might that be? Why none other than the King of Pop himself, Michael Jackson

Really, Scott? At least Lee was still alive when you sued him for palimony. But you wait 3 years after Jackson's death to capitalize on his name and get people talking about you. It isn't enough that Matt Damon is going to play you in Steven Soderbergh's Liberace biopic Behind the Candelabra (and really, Damon's way hotter than you ever were) opposite Michael Douglas (really?) as the bedazzled Queen of Las Vegas?

I can't say I was a sympathizer of Thorson's before. I'm not at all in favor of outing people who prefer to remain closeted. That is the single thing about being gay that actually is a choice and only one person is allowed to make that choice for you. For Liberace's part, the flamboyant showman (even as he lay dying of AIDS) denied that he was gay. Personally, I'd like to think that Lee just wanted to allow his legions of female fans to retain their fantasy image of him, rather than that he lived in fear of losing his career if he was truthful (as was -- and to some extent, still is -- the case with so many of his generation).

As much as I dislike the fact that he outed someone without consent, I believe most of what Thorson says about the time he spent with Liberace. Honestly, how did any half-savvy person not know that Liberace was gay? But as for Michael Jackson? Thorson is hardly McCauley Caulkin, now is he? 

Thorson and his ilk ride the underbelly of celebrity; taking every opportunity, no matter how insane, to keep their names in circulation. He's no better than the woman who recently claimed to be carrying Justin Bieber's baby. In fact, he's worse because Jackson isn't able to respond (though I am sure his parents, siblings and fans will respond quite vociferously). I can't blame the man for trying to make a living but doing so by involving someone who can never respond to his allegations is beyond despicable.

In fact, Thorson has inspired me to create a new label (as seen above): Worst Gay Person of the Week. Shame on you, Scott Thorson! And shame on every person who will ever appear under this label.

More anon.

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