Monday, April 16, 2012

The Good Kind of Tired

Pictured kneeling from left, are Shannon Brueckner, Sabella Lichtman and Nicole Erkoboni. Standing, from left are Chris DiTullio, Meredith Bleemer, Ben Menahem, Ethan Daniel Levy, Dan Johnson, Alexandra Baldwin, Parker Harris and Julia Procaccino.
That's Corny Collins (c) and the Council Kids in a publicity still from Hairspray, about which you all must be sick to death by now. Uncle P was deliberately kept out of publicity photos, but I promise to post some of me and the rest of the cast in our full costumes, wigs and make-ups next Sunday, after the show. I'll be taking tons of pictures next weekend.

That having been said, I am both exceedingly pleased and happily surprised by the by the show's abject success! We've played to three sold-out and one near-capacity audiences and have had three full house standing ovations. The audiences are loving it; the cast is loving each other and the entire team couldn't be more happy. What was a sometimes difficult rehearsal-process resulted in a not-to-be-missed production of a fun, silly, toe-tapping musical that has left four very happy audiences in its wake.And while I may be bragging just a little bit, I'll risk having pride in being a part of yet another amazing theatrical experience.

Needless to say, after what amounts to seven full performances (we had two yesterday), I am very tired, and very sore. Given my recent absence of something else that could cause those symptoms (TMI??), the joy of performing and the rush from applause is better than any drug I can imagine.

If, like my buddy Sean* (who brought me some beautiful and exceptionally fragrant flowers), you want to see me singing and dancing in dresses and heels (and face it, you know you do), you have three more chances next Saturday and Sunday. Word on the street says that Saturday evening is very close to being sold out, though you might find limited-view seats for both the Saturday and Sunday matinees.

*Sean was an early follower who share's Uncle P's taste in men and is very sweet man who I met for the first time this weekend. You can link his very popular blog by clicking the link to 'Just a Jeep Guy' on the left.  (While very little of what Sean posts is NSFW, some of the links he shares, are). He, I and two of my friends from college (Alex and Gail) whom I hadn't seen for 25 years, shared a delightful dinner between shows on Saturday. I only wish I could have spent more time with all of them. All three shared their enthusiasm for the show, as has everyone (friends, co-workers and complete strangers) I've talked to, including the people I know will tell me the truth.

Because unlike most media, theatre is a temporary art; I thought I'd share with you something I shared with the company on the production's Facebook timeline. It is heartfelt and honest:
Dear Cast and Crew: Enjoy being with this family as much as possible. Continue to share that love for each other with our remaining audiences, and we'll be guaranteed full houses and standing Os for every performance. What we have is a rare and magical thing; it's like to be sought after with every show you do. When you find that magic again (and you will), remember the joy we're sharing now and include it in the joy you share then. You guys are all extraordinary and I am so very proud to be associated with each and every one of you and this production. I love playing Edna and I love playing her with all of you! Thank you for sharing the love with me.
The show as (every show does), has its flaws but this large and diverse cast has pulled together in way I worried it never would to deliver a funny and entertaining show that our audiences are loving. And that's good enough for me. The magic of a show coming together never ceases to amaze me. It's a better high than any drug you can imagine.
Enough crowing. It's back to the real (for a little while at least) tomorrow (well, today). And I'll be forming a new temporary family when rehearsals begin for the JTMF 10th Anniversary Production of Paul Rudnick's Jeffrey in May.
More, anon.

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