Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Post-Holiday Blahs

Here it is, January 10th, and I'm already feeling the blahs. We spend the entire last quarter of the year focused on the last week of the year, with all these expectations of how it's supposed to be and how we're going to find the 'perfect' gifts and hoping that those who love us will get us the 'perfect' gifts. We shop and cook and shop and bake and shop and hope that we can find a slice of joy to propel us into the new year. And then it's all over. We're left with torn paper and unraveled ribbons, dried-out Douglas firs, champagne hang-overs and resolutions we know we won't keep much past March 1st, if at all. 

And yes, I have much to look forward to in the coming months. I'll start rehearsing a new show at the beginning of next month. And there's that tax-refund that I hope will help pay some bills and maybe help finance a trip to somewhere warm. By the time Spring rolls around, hope will be renewed and we'll all be looking forward to the second quarter where we'll scramble to find fun in the sun for a few months. In the U.S., Memorial Day is the unofficial start of Summer and many folks will be headed to the local beaches or parks to celebrate with grilled ribs, hot-dogs, hamburgers and potato salad. There will be trips to theme parks and water parks and swimming in lakes, ponds, pools and oceans. July 4th will roll around with its fireworks and parades, accompanied by more grilling and drinking. And before we know it, Labor Day will arrive, signaling the end of summer fun. Stores will start filling up with costumes and masks and animatronic zombies and the whole cycle will start over again. No wonder Santa looks so tired and sad.

So, my New Year's wish for both you and myself is for something different. Something new and exciting. Something you, your friends and family will talk about for years to come. It could be a new job; a new baby; a new place to visit or a new friend and/or lover. It might be something as simple as a new recipe or a new outfit, or something complicated like a new job or a new relationship. Whatever it is, I hope it shakes us all out of our Winter doldrums and reminds us of how wonderful, precious and singular our lives truly are.

I didn't mean to bum you out or bring you down or ruin the Holiday High you might still be milking for all it's worth. Instead, I'm hoping both you and I will be pumped for whatever the New Year might bring - success or failure; joy or sorrow. Whatever 2012 brings, embrace it and make the most of it
because once it's gone, it's gone. In any event, here's at least one thing I'm looking forward to in the coming year:

Christopher Nolan always gives me the most wonderful birthday presents! Now that's something to look forward to!

More, anon.

1 comment:

  1. It was Clive Barker who wrote in "The Thief of Always" that "The great gray beast of February had swallowed Harvey Swick alive."

    One of the great openers to a great book. But it nevertheless points to these "post-holiday blahs" of which you speak.
