Friday, December 9, 2011

Finally In The Mood

Well, despite the monsters lurking amongst us, I finally feel it is the Christmas season. Temperatures have dropped and tonight I wrapped the gifts that I am shipping down to my sister and brother-in-law in Florida

It's not as much as I would like to or even usually send, but it's been a tough year for everyone. I'm spending less all around, this year. And the older we get, the harder it is to find the perfect gift (though I do pride myself on my gift-choosing skills). No one has ever looked at a gift I've given them and said "What the hell is this?" I can't always say the same about some of the gifts I've received. 

Of course, the gifts aren't really the point. 

For me, Christmas has always been about celebrating the love between family and friends. And as I've said repeatedly, I feel so very blessed to have so many wonderful people in my life. I can't imagine how empty my life would be without them. They make me laugh (and sometimes cry). They bring me joy (and sometimes sorrow). They offer ears to listen, shoulders to cry on and hands to lift me up. They go along with my crazy schemes; they perform for and with me; they accompany me to the movies and the theatre; they keep my secrets and share theirs; they know me as well as I know them. 

So, while religious Christians celebrate Christmas as the birth of their spiritual savior, I celebrate my many spiritual saviors - the folks I love and who love me in return. So let me wish you all an early Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Good Solstice and the best in the coming New Year.

Oh - and here's the Gayest Holiday Thing You'll See This Week:

By the way - for those who find offense at the use of "Xmas," you should know that the 'X' in "Xmas" comes from the first letter of the Greek word for 'Christ.' Y'all need to get over that, already.

More, anon.


  1. Thanks... that made me feel a whole lot better.

  2. Love you, Stephen! Merry Christmas!

  3. "I celebrate my many spiritual saviors - the folks I love and who love me in return."

    I love that!!! :)

    I wonder what kind of gifts a zombyologist like you could come up with... ;)


  4. I love the viral video of the royal navy British guys. They are so cute. Merry Christmas and enjoy your trip to Florida.

  5. Just stumbled across your blog, I like it. Having said that, I'm sure you meant to link the word 'family' to The Addam's Family (it's linked to The Munsters).

    SO CLOSE! Too bad because it was a great attempt at subtle, softly clever humor.

  6. Actually, I did mean to link to The Munsters. I thought The Addams Family a bit cliche...
