Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Hunger Games

I used to be a voracious reader. My first grade teacher actually yelled at my mother for teaching me to read at age 4 (and the same teacher yelled at her for teaching my sister, too). Books have always been a part of my life. In my Teens, 20's and 30's, it wasn't unusual for me to read three or four novels a week. But since I started writing screenplays and blogging, my reading time has been severely curtailed. I still read when I can; mostly while traveling. I read three novels while on vacation in Florida last April (Seth Grahame-Smith's hilarious "Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter" and Joe Hill's "Horns" among them). Sadly, I have had Hill's father's "Under the Dome" for almost 2 years and am only halfway through it (If you didn't know, Hill is the son of Stephen King and his debut novel "Heart-Shaped Box" is just terrific - if you haven't read it, you should). 

I often feel guilty about not reading as much as I used to, especially since my 70 year-old mother still reads an average of three novels a week. But, such is life. I expect that if I live long enough to retire, I'll have plenty of time to catch up.

Needless to say, I missed out on Suzanne Collins' young adult trilogy "The Hunger Games," though from all I've read about them, they are excellent (yes, I still read online). So you'll have to excuse me for not being quite as enthused about the upcoming film adaptations as some fans may be., until now.

Truth be told, I gave up on reading the Harry Potter books after getting through the the first one on a two-hour flight to Tampa, so I really had no interest in spending time on another YA fantasy series. But, the hype had me intrigued and I've been following the movie's news online. And at last, there is a trailer. And what a trailer it is! Featuring almost unrecognizable actors like Elizabeth Banks (Effie Trinket), Stanley Tucci (Caesar Flickerman) and Woody Harrelson (Haymitch Abernathy); fantastical sets & costumes and a fight to the death, I must admit that I actually want to see this movie.

Also starring Donald Sutherland (President Snow); Lennie Kravitz (Cinna); Liam Hemsworth (Gale Hawthorne); Josh Hutcherson (Peeta Mellark) and Academy Award nominee Jennifer Lawrence (as the series' heroine, Katniss Everdeen), The Hunger Games seems like a combination of The Running Man; Blade Runner and Logan's Run. The trailer is fascinating and it makes me think I may have to spend a little less time writing and a little more time reading. 

So what do you think? Have you read "The Hunger Games?" Will you be seeing the movie? I'm dying to know. You all know by now how much I love your comments. Sound off, please.

After seeing that trailer, "The Hunger Games" is definitely on both of my "See" and "Read" lists.

More, anon.


  1. Today, I wrote a blog about why I read. Odd. Anyways, I'm on my 28th book this year, the new Stephen King novel 11/26/63 is my current one (Under the Dome I finished in a week). Like you though, my reading has slacked from years ago. Like you, I could 3 books a week away.

    BTW, I like Horns, but still think Heart-Shaped Box is a better book.

  2. I average a book a week, blog & have a job... what is your problem?!?

    Oh, that is right. I get top read on my commute & that would not be wise for you, the way you drive.
