Friday, July 15, 2011


Summer's only half over and while there are plenty movies still on my "Must See" List (Captain America [Chris!]; Cowboys & Aliens; Conan the Barbarian [Jason!]; Fright Night [Colin!]; [Don't Be Afraid of the Dark [Guy!]; Our Idiot Brother [Paul!]; Apollo 18 [I got nuthin']), there are quite a few movies for fall and winter that have caught my eye.

Now playing on 1 screen in NYC, the Norwegian horror movie The Troll Hunter has been gathering buzz for quite some time. The inevitable US re-make is already scheduled for a 2014 release, but the original is scheduled to go wide in October. The trailer makes it look like The Blair Witch Project meets Harry Potter meets CG Sweetums in frozen hell. The last horror movie from the region to make a splash was the startlingly good Let the Right One In, which led to the almost-as-good remake Let Me In.

November sees the latest from director Tarsem Singh (the criminally underrated The Cell), Immortals starring future Superman Henry Cavill as Theseus in a Sword and Sandal epic based on Greek mythology. Tarsem's visual's are always amazing. John Hurt; Mickey Roarke; Kellen Lutz; Frieda Pinto and Stephen Dorff co-star:

But before either of them is Stephen Soderbergh's End of Days epic Contagion, starring Matt Damon; Marion Cottilard; Kate Winslet; Gwyneth Paltrow; Jude Law; Laurence Fishburne and Bryan Cranston in an apocalyptic tale of a killer virus:

D and I both really enjoyed Guy Ritchie's first Sherlock Holmes film, and we're looking forward to this December's follow up Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows. Robert Downey, Jr and Jude Law reprise their roles as Holmes and Watson, joined by flavor of the year Noomi Rapace, as well as Stephen Frye as Mycroft Holmes and Jared Harris as Holmes' nemesis Professor Moriarity. More Steampunky adventure is afoot in what looks like an exciting an amusing sequel.

And speaking of Steampunk, you all know how much I love the genre. And it looks like 2012 will bring us an R-rated animated Steampunk adventure with director Emil Goodman's surrealistic Henry Waltz:

Sadly, as much as I'd love to see every one of the films I've written about tonight, I'll probably only get to see a fraction of them on the big screen. And whether it's because I'm too busy with my own projects or because they'll only play in arthouses too far away for me to get to, I'll do my best to see them, even if  it's only on DVD or OnDemand.

What movies are you looking forward to seeing in the coming months? You know how much I love your comments!

More, anon.

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