Monday, January 25, 2010

Fever Ray (A Quickie Post)

I talk about music every so often here at Caliban's Revenge, and I wanted to briefly touch on my newest (newest as in, tonight) discovery, the Swedish dance band Fever Ray.

Yes, I know my musical taste might be considered by some as "odd." I also know that not everyone can appreciate the brilliance of bands like Grizzly Bear and Dead Can Dance or modern composers like Hans Zimmer, Laurie Anderson, Paul Schwartz, Karl Jenkins or even Avatar's James Horner.

But every so often, an artist or group comes along that simply demands my attention. Such is the case with Fever Ray.

Via Towleroad (one of my favorite blogs) comes this incredibly bizarre clip from a Swedish awards program, featuring an acceptance "speech" from their lead vocalist, Karin Dreijer Andersson:

Intrigued, I did a YouTube search and found some rather interesting videos from the group. Here then are some videoss from my newest favorite band:

More, anon.

1 comment:

  1. Great choice Uncle P! Most of us Americans have yet to discover the joys of the nu Scandinavian pop! There must be something in those North Sea waters + seasonal affective disorder that produces artists with a sunny pop veneer hiding a dark, chewy center! I enjoy the hypnotic, percolating groove of Fever Ray's 'Seven' and that great line about talking about 'dishwasher tablets' it! Even Gaga couldn't pull that line off credibly! May I also suggest the song/video for Sweden's Lykke Li's "I'm Good, I'm Gone" with the menacing senior citizens. Other Scands to check out: Robyn 'Cobrastyle', Royksopp 'The Girl and The Robot', Shout Out Louds 'The Comeback', The Hives 'Tick Tick Boom', El Perro Del Mar 'God Knows', Emiliana Torrini 'On The Sunny Road', The Raveonettes 'Attack of the Ghostriders', I'm From Barcelona 'We're From Barcelona'...whew! okay I'll stop! :-)
