Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Gayest Sci-Fi You'll See This Week

Hope everyone has recovered from April Fool's Day. Glad to see at least one of you got the joke (Sean, will you marry me?). Anyway, lots to talk about tonight, especially on upcoming movies. But first, I thought I'd start with something nearly as old as I am. This clip has been on a couple of sites today (I first caught it on BoingBoing), but it was too deliciously silly not to share. Here is a scene from a German Sci-Fi show from the 60's. The scene is apparently set in a club in the future. Forget about what's happening in the foreground (it's all in German, anyway) and watch the dancers:

Is it me, or does this look like Twyla Tharp's mother got together with the creator of 'The Chicken Dance' to choreograph this scene? Seriously - WTF!?!

Now, on to what may well be the most intriguing film since Cloverfield; District 9. There are folks out there in cyberland who believe District 9 is just a cover for Peter Jackson's Halo, but judging from this clip from South African director Neill Blomkamp's short Alive in Joburg, I think otherwise. District 9 is apparently about an alien ship forced to land in Johannesburg, where the aliens are immediately sent to concentration camps and treated as badly as we seem to treat our own prisoners of war. Blomkamp served as a 3D animator on several Sci-Fi series, including "SG1," "Dark Angel" and "Smallville" and wrote and directed this District 9 'prequel' (I'm using the term very loosely here), Alive in Joburg. See for yourself:

Exciting time to be a Sci-Fi fan, don't you think? I, for one, am chomping at the bit to see District 9, which according to IMDb, has a scheduled release date sometime this year. And thanks to i09 for the link.
More, anon.

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