Thursday, April 16, 2009


Here's an image you'll see more than once between now and June 19th. It's the gorgeous poster our brilliant graphic designer has come up with for the 7th Annual JTMF AIDS Benefit Event, featuring Paul Rudnick's The Most Fabulous Story Ever Told. I just love the two nekkid primitive guys holding an apple - it says everything you need to know about a play that's about 'Adam and Steve.'
Auditions are this Saturday and it looks like all of the appointment slots have been filled which, as a director, thrills me to no end. I know plenty of the folks on the list, though many names are new to me. I love discovering new talent.
Of course, my dear D has already been cast (and I have a good idea about several other actors). A JTMF show is unlike most others. We try and use our "regulars" as much as possible, though there aren't always roles for all of them in whatever show we happen to be doing in a particular year. Last year's show, What the Butler Saw was entirely pre-cast, and that's simply because I knew what I wanted from the show and knew the actors who would give me what I wanted. You see the same trend in films - directors love working with actors who "get" them. An established relationship with an actor can make a director's job so much easier; they know what to expect from me, and I know what I can get out of them. It's almost symbiotic.
That doesn't mean I'm not open to using new folks. In last fall's Shakespeare '70 production of The Skin of Our Teeth, I pre-cast three out of about 30 roles and held open auditions for the rest. Which worked out quite nicely, despite having to replace one actress with another (who ended up doing a magnificent job).
They (whoever "they" are) say that 90% of directing is casting. If that's true, then most of my work will be done by Saturday evening.
As with Skin of Our Teeth, I'll be blogging our progress throughout the production. I'll be posting rehearsal and publicity photos, as well as my thoughts about the process (along with my usual mix of movies, TV, politics and other mayhem). As always, your thoughts and comments are most welcome. I love it when you tell me what you think.
More, anon.

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