Monday, January 12, 2009

Delicious, delicious... Oh, how boring.

What an uneventful Monday.
Last night's Golden Globes were a big yawn, though I have to admit I was very glad to see Heath Ledger and Colin Farrell both win. Ricky Gervais was hilarious, as always. Eva Longoria Parker was drop-dead gorgeous in that red number and Amy Adams was just stunning in that sequined black gown. Renee Zelwigger looked like teh poor white trash she is (ooh, did I say that?) in a ridiculous see-through dress and poor Jenna Fischer looked like NBC needs to raise her salary (did she make that dress herself?). And what the hell was the deal with Drew Barrymore's hair?
Okay - enough bitchy gay stuff.
The only real surprise was Slumdog Millionaire winning Best Picture. What? Seriously? Did you see that movie? I usually love Danny Boyle's films, but it was NOT the Best Picture. And there was no love for Milk - I guess the HFP is just as homophobic as AMPAS.
Oh well. On to better things, I hope. If nothing really exciting comes along, I may have to dig into my "Blog Topics" file soon. Hopefully the SAG Awards will provide for some interesting fodder. Or maybe I'll just go see a bad January movie and talk about that. Almost anything would be more interesting.
More, anon.

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