Sunday, December 7, 2008

Christmas Shopping

I know it says Sunday, but I've been up since 6AM , so it's still Saturday to me. I worked my one mandatory Saturday morning a year today, and afterwards met with some friends for lunch and holiday shopping in a nearby artsy community about halfway between our homes. I managed to buy a few small things for several people, but am still vexed by the need for a few more major gifts, and was ultimately disappointed in my efforts (though happily surprised with the small, funny things I did manage to pick up).
Now, I start my Christmas shopping every year in May in Florida. I hit the huge outlet malls and the Disney and Universal Studios Stores; I scour the old beachfront gift malls and the odd places along International Drive in Orlando. I probably manage to score about 40% of my gifts there, 7 months early! And trust me, I'm not one of those people who buys gifts and then forgets where he put them. I can smell a bargain at ten paces and outshop any straight woman (or gay man, for that matter) without batting an eye. This past summer, I also bought a few things at the JTMF silent auction. And last November, I was in San Francisco and Napa for four days, and bought quite a few things out there. This year I was in Chicago for two days in October and bought none. Still, i need only something for my brother-in-law and my very dearest friend.
The real trouble is, it seems that there's nothing terribly exciting in any stores this year. The malls and department stores are always the same old crap; and even the specialty and gift stores have nothing new to offer. Last year, I found the perfect things for so many people. This year... some. So, with only a few weeks left before I start exchanging, I am unusually late in completing my list.
So how is your holiday shopping going? And more importantly, wha'ja get me?
More of this, anon.


  1. First off, I will never tell you what I got you in advance...and second, if you need any help thinking of ideas for gifts, I give great suggestions if I know a little about the gift receiver...people have told me I'm very good at shoping-- so good, in fact, that I should become a personal shopper! Too bad the economy is so rough...anyways, you know how to find me and get in touch! Thanks for your wonderful blogging, as always!

  2. First off, I was just joking.

    And secondly, thanks for the offer. I'm sure I'll be OK.

