Sunday, September 28, 2008

Saturday Night & YouTube

My first embedded video! I think I may actually be getting the hang of this.

Anyhow - Saturday night saw a slightly larger, though considerably less vocal crowd. I sat closer to the stage so I could look back and judge faces - everyone seemed attententive and many were smiling. No one has said "I hate this crap!" or walked out. The show was fine, but a few days of simmering in their brains and souls will make a huge difference. Stew is always best after it sits in the 'fridge for a day or two.

I spent the day doing the mundane; catching up on the fall season (does everyone else LOVE "Fringe" as much as I do?); laundry and cooking a lasagna for my mother's birthday. We'll talk more about movies and TV, soon. I promise. In case you haven't noticed, I've been a bit pre-occupied, of late.

More anon.


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